sei m.'s review of Banning Veterinary Hospital

Banning Veterinary Hospital

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Customer Reviews & Ratings
Complaint Posted 6/27/2011
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Review 6/27/2011
BEWARE: "Teeth Cleaning" I took my pet dog in for an examination about a 3 weeks ago, and during the course of the exam, the vet found ONE (1) front tooth to be slightly wobbly, and he indicated that all of her other teeth were fine, but recommended that she have her teeth cleaned, and indicated that the wobbly tooth might have to be removed. Consequently, I made an appt for a week later to have her teeth cleaned. The quoted fee was $180, and because I am not working, I felt that $200 would be my absolute limit. When I arrived with my dog, I had to sign an authorization that gave the vet the right to extract whatever teeth he determined should be removed. In retrospect, this form is there for a reason, specifically, that Banning Veterinary has had prior problems (legal I assume) as a consequence of being overly aggressive in tooth extraction. I also asked to speak with the vet before I let my dog go, but all I got was an assistant, who I again explained my employment situation to, and what my expectations were for this visit. When I returned to pick up my dog, I was informed that they had removed nine (thats right, 9 !! ) teeth. That is about 25% of all of her teeth. She is also an older dog. I was LIVID, but powerless to turn back the clock on what had just been done to her. As I was checking out, ANOTHER owner was picking up his dog, and his dog ALSO had nine (9) teeth removed. (BTW: 9 teeth = $100 extra in charges.) THE BILL: Was OVER 200% of what I had been told, or TWICE what I couldn’t afford. WORSE: My dog was heavily drugged, and in obvious pain. Remember, she is over 70 dog years old. So the lessons that I now have seared into my mind, and the recommendations I am suggesting anyone follow, regardless of where you may consider having this done. However, I would ABSOLUTELY adhere to the following at Banning Veterinary. 1) Speak to the vet that will perform the ‘teeth cleaning’ directly. 2) Make sure that you and the vet agree on which teeth, if any, will be removed. 3) If the vet leaves it as a ‘to be determined’ question, then be sure to get a firm price quote, as THAT should limit the amount of damage he is willing to inflict. 4) DO NOT SIGN an unlimited authorization. If you must, clearly specify the number and location of any teeth that have to be extracted. 5) remind the vet that this is your PET (if that is the case) and not a laboratory animal that you are entrusting to his care. I feel as though I neglected my responsibility to care for my pet, by: 1) ASSUMING that I could trust the diagnosis, 2) DID NOT clearly understand (yet signed) the unlimited authorization, 3) DID NOT speak directly to the vet 4) DID NOT get a fixed price quote for service. If you are reading this, you love your pet. Please, don’t end up with a broken heart, a hurting animal, and an empty wallet just because you didn’t drill down on what would be done to him/her. Even a veterinarian should understand that this kind of trauma to your pet is more harmful that the possible side effect of tarter build-up. No doubt they can cover their backside with a diagnosis that justifies their actions, and their bill. When the bill is 200% greater than you have been told and your pet is suffering, it eludes common sense to not be prudent and demanding when it comes to taking control of your pets’ health. Your pet is relying on YOU. PS - I still can't tell if they actually cleaned her teeth, since her mouth is too sore to open. I suspect they just pulled every tooth that had some tartar on it, but have to verify when I can. Ryan Westbrook and Kenny Summers did this. Think TWICE before you go down this road, and if you do, remember, unless you have covered these issues BEFORE you give your pet over, it will be too late to guard your pets’ welfare.
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