lazerman's review of Harbor Chevrolet Corporation

Harbor Chevrolet Corporation

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Customer Reviews & Ratings
Complaint Posted 12/13/2008
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Review 12/13/2008
Horrible Customer Service, Bar none, absolutely dreadful. Buy foreign!! If I could give no stars I would. Worst experience I had at a business! Period! Well, exclamation point!

Bought my car their June of 2007 (first car purchase, got taken for a ride, live and learn, what the heck) smooth process...

Come back at 10,000 miles for a "free" maintenance, I received five of these things in the mail saying I get a free maintenance, I bought my car their, guy who sold it to me said the first one was free. So I connect the dots and assume "free maintenance" Was I wrong to assume this? Bring it in, maintenance guy looks up my account and goes, "got the major guard service.. nice... will have it ready by 6 in the evening" great! I end up having to rent a vehicle (they give me these free pass things since I bought the car their) I upgrade for 10 bucks for a truck. Well, low and behold six o'clock comes around, cars not done, great.... Call the next day nothing... Car isn't done for another two days?! So 4 days in total to wait for my car... for a glorified oil change.

I end up having to pay 60 bucks for the car rental... and they charged me 116$ for the maintenance!! They told me they stopped giving out those mailings and that we charge for services rendered. They also gave me an excuse saying they were waiting on a part to fix my car under the "major guard" service (which I will bring up in a second) which no one told me anything was wrong with my car. I was enraged, they wouldn't give me my car back otherwise, so I paid. I believe this is a ploy most dealership and car rental places will play. BBB should look into that.

I ended up going to GM's customer service... absolutely horrible, made me feel like an idiot, like I was looking for a free ride. I was promised a free maintenance at purchase and through mailings and got nothing... and I was severely under quoted on my car being done.. Furthermore I had to pay way more in car rental fees then anticipated... I was done dirty.

But I knew one place would help me... Taa DAAA Better business bureau!! They came through like champions. Someone directly from the dealership called the next day I put in an email complaint in with BBB... We played hard ball, they ended up only refunding half of everything... which at this point I was tired of fighting, I work retail so I understand were they are coming from, still freaking pissed, but whatever, I will never deal with them and can move on...

Until I read the fine print of the "major guard service" which entitles me to free car rentals when my car is being fixed under the service and roadside assistance!!

Will I call them to complain about the remaining 70+ dollars? Probably not, but how they (or I for that matter) could have over looked that is a pretty big mess up. This happened like two months later and I was just scratching my head... I just wish they would have done right by me and refunded everything. I was promised a free service and then the extended warranty that I paid for covered the car rental?! How did they not know that?

Goes to show that a dealership (even one as heralded as harbor) can be shady as all hell. GM and the big 3 are a micro casam of what is happening to this world, shady customer service, cheaper products, etc.. Especially in these harsh economic times, know your car and do the research... These places will rip you off every chance they get. Oh, and by the way, look up BBB harbor Chevrolet page. I am the 1 customer under "partial payment". Horrible horrible experience and don't wish this upon anyone. Service your car someplace else (S&J Chevrolet is pretty good) buy your car someplace else. Stay away like the plague.
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