Ki's review of Puretech Water Systems, Inc.

Puretech Water Systems, Inc.

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5.0 star rating 0 miles
My Garage Door Repairman - Plano, TX
5.0 star rating 0 miles
4.8 star rating 0 miles
Testing Testing
4.3 star rating 0 miles
Customer Reviews & Ratings
Complaint Posted 5/4/2009
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Review 5/4/2009
Recently, a supposedly college student came to my door to ask if he could test our water and basically sell me a water treatment system. Everything seemed okay until his boss SAAID came to the door and pretty much barged in introducing himself as this "student's" boss. Asking questions about my cars which had no connection with the subject. I ended up telling him he was not invited into my house first of all and asked him what is his name. He handed me a card but took it when I told him to leave. He drives a maroon van. I did not feel comfortable at all with him. Anyway, the student said he would give me a BBQ set and Pot set made in Italy. I signed up and decided to cancel before the 3rd bussiness day, which he came back two days later after signing up, trying to give me the BBQ set. Then 4 days later he came back making sure that I had canceled, a day after they would have installed the system. What really did them in was the fact their customer service in Irvine, CA. really lacked professionalism and sincere customer service. I could not get a hold of anyone in the office that I could inquire about Saaid and his bussiness and Puretech Water Systems, Inc. Let alone it was a little difficult understanding what was being said. I did talk to I think a Manuel, but not sure, who was pretty rude himself. At that time I just wanted to cancel and he said to just tell the guys who will install. This just did not sound right. I recommend doing your homework on this company, if I am going to pay big money for this I expect, at least, decent customer service.
Business's response - on 1/19/2014
Wrong claim and feedback. We do not have Ssaid and we do not give BBQ and pots and we do not have any students in your area.
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Hours   Phone   (949) 833-0028 Address   1702 McGaw Ave
Irvine, CA 92614
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Contact   Hossein Hatamkhani Other  
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