Dolores S.'s review of San Dimas Surgical Medical Center Institute, Inc.

San Dimas Surgical Medical Center Institute, Inc.

Customer Reviews & Ratings
Review Posted 7/14/2011
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Review 7/14/2011
I sit here in shock reading the reviews abotu San Dimas. I admit that it has been years since I had my tummy tuck and breast implants but what I am reading is NOT the treatment that I received. It was just the opposite. They always returned my phone calls and answered all of my concerns prior to my surgery. They made me feel really comfortable prior to the procedure. I did have a minor complication after the surgery but it was NOT the doctors fault. It was my own fault for going against their requirements of me keeping the draintube in longer than two weeks. I wanted it out and I made them take it out. Well a week later I was in the hospital in pain because I was filling up with fluid in horrible abdonimal pain. The hospital couldnt help me, they couldnt drain me. I drove back to their clinic in LA and they saw me same day quickly after I arrived to their office. They inserted another drain tube in me and quickly released me from the pain. THey did it at NO COST to me. They did follow ups with me and then several weeks after the surgery they mailed me the before and after photo's of my surgery. I ended up developing an abdominal infection months after the surgery but not due to SDMC. It was because of the hysterictomy I had to have 5 months after the tummy tuck. It took a year for a doctor to discover it in me and remove it. A plastic surgeon in my medicall group that I had never seen before. He was shocked that I had gastric bypass. He reviewed my tummy tuck and breast inplants and told me that the surgeon at SDMC did an excellant job on me and he couldnt of done a better job himself. I actually came on here today to look them up so they can do the final part of my surgerys. Removal of skin from my Arms and legs due to the weight loss from the gastric bypass. I thought I would put my experience on here because it seems they have so much negative. I will admit that my surgery was several years ago and maybe staff have changed. I will be making a call to find ou as I am interested in them completing my transformation.
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Hours   Phone   (909) 592-0142 Address   221 North San Dimas Avenue #200
San Dimas, CA 91773
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