kndubbs' review of San Dimas Surgical Medical Center Institute, Inc.

San Dimas Surgical Medical Center Institute, Inc.

Customer Reviews & Ratings
Complaint Posted 3/22/2008
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Review 3/22/2008
I recently experienced a tubal ligation reversal with San Dimas Medical Center. When I first found SDMC I thought it would be a hospital with doctors and nurses who would be able to take care of you after the surgery. Instead we went into a building that appeared to be a two-story apartment complex. We paid over $6000.00 to be treated like crap. First, our scheduled appt was 4 hours late. Once I did get in the next room I was visited by one very nice nurse and the anistisologist. (not sure how to spell that) Anyhow,after the surgery my husband was informed that my left tube had to be cut shorter than it already was and it was difficult to put back together. Shortly after the surgery, I was awoken and literally shoved out the back door in a wheel chair. The majority of the nurses acted as though they didn't care how we felt. We were just another insurance to their paychecks. As far as the surgery goes, we were scheduled to check in the next day, as we did, I was in so much pain, yet again the other customers in the lobby appeared to have more concern than the nurses who worked at SDMC. They put me in this really small room in this seriously uncomfortable chair and basically looked at my bandage and sent me away. It was something my husband could have done, and we would have saved a $100.00 bucks on a hotel. (I didn't even see the doctor).
I would not say that SDMC was the most pleasant place to have my surgery. As for the effectivness, I will let you know in 3 months. I was not happy with the service nor the facility. It has been several days past the surgery and I am still having difficulty breathing, walking, standing and sleeping. It is upsetting with the amounts of money we paid into this surgery so my husband and I could have a baby together and yet, SDMC nurses were definitly not very friendly. I am not sure I would recomend this facility to any of my friends because of their lack of customer relations and service. If you should have any concerns you may email me at I would be glad to address any of your concerns.
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Hours   Phone   (909) 592-0142 Address   221 North San Dimas Avenue #200
San Dimas, CA 91773
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Contact   Lynn Adams Other  
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