Douglas O.'s review of The Dr. Independent Service

The Dr. Independent Service

Customer Reviews & Ratings
Complaint Posted 5/12/2010
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Review 5/12/2010
We went to you because of the plate frames on older Volvos and we figured that since they were running, you must be doing something right. Unfortunately we were wrong.

I called on May 7th and spoke to Mark Kennedy, as it turns out, General Manager of the facility. I explained to him that our 1986 Volvo 240 has an intermittent problem. The symptoms are as follow:

• Cranks but won’t start
• Will stall while driving and deceleration
• Will take from 30 minutes to 4 hours to start again
• Will continue this behavior for a couple of days and then behave beautifully for up to 2 weeks

I also told Mark that we had changed the following:

• Fuse holder under the hood
• Coil and Plug wires
• Coil
• Fuses
• Fuel Pump Solenoid
• Checked Fuel Pumps, connectors and output
• Repaired wires and vacuum hoses

We had previously picked up a pair of license plate frames and installed them on the car prior to towing it in.
We did this as my wife had seen that customers with frames installed would receive a $100.00 tow credit.

Mark originally gave a $214.00 checkout fee and I informed him that an estimate of $85.00 had been given to me for the diagnostics. He said he would see what he could do and that the vehicle would not be seen until the following day. I said no problem and that I would look forward to his call.

Mark called on the 8th and I authorized the repairs as quoted ($180.00) and was informed that the vehicle would be available by 4 PM the same day. I called about 3:30 PM and was informed that the vehicle was ready for pick up but that front and rear brakes were recommended and the cost would be about $1,000.00. I declined the brakes and asked how much an oil change would be, I was quoted $65.00 and I declined it also.

I was never informed that there could be other things wrong with the wiring loom or ignition harness. I am neither a mechanic nor electrician so I assumed that since they specialize in my make of car, they were the experts and had solved the problem. We picked up the vehicle that evening and were very pleased with the way it ran. I put $10.00 in gas and drove home.

On May 8th at about 5.55 PM I went to start the vehicle and it cranked but would not start again. I called and left a message at the The Dr. Independent Service’s number but they had closed at 2.00 PM being Saturday.
On Monday I called Mark and told him what had transpired and he said that he would talk to Ed Geiger. I also received a follow up call from Mr. Fair and I told him what had happened. Mr. Fair said “I want to see the car” and was happy with the fact that Mark would be handling it. Things went downhill from there.

I spoke to Mark later that day and he informed me that they would refund the money since I had “pulled” the stunt with the plate frames where I only met the requirements for the advertisement, which is like getting angry at the client for using a coupon. Mark said that Ed claimed to need to replace the wiring loom and Mark quoted $2500.00. According to the warranty of 2 years or 1,000,000 miles they would repair the “defect” and after a reasonable number of attempts at their discretion they would refund the money. However they refuse to look at the vehicle and assume the cause rather than verify the cause of the “defect” which has not been repaired. The ability to “refuse service to anyone” is voided after the warranty kicks in and a unilateral contract is not valid as there must be a meeting of the minds and mirror acceptance. Therefore, a refund of the money without verifying the problem does not invalidate the warranty. I also do not accept the offer of a refund.

Breach of Contract, Fraud and failure to honor the warranty are possible causes for action. I hope that it does not reach that point and we are able to have the warranty honored.
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