Andrea & Maurice W.'s review of The Republic Companies, Inc.

The Republic Companies, Inc.

Customer Reviews & Ratings
Complaint Posted 4/27/2015
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PLEASE READ! 4 WINDOWS and 1 DOOR LEAKED filling my toddler's bedroom with black mold!!
This is the SADDEST STORY ever! And I am sure I will be labeled a fool for trying for so long to work with them but I wanted so much for them to come and honored their word and correct their mistakes. Now, unfortunately this will probably end in a lawsuit. *sigh* In December 2011 I was 6 months pregnant with 5 other children and my husband living at home. Two of our boys were sleeping in a room who's walls were swollen and bulging from the window down to the floors. I called around and after a ton of research ended up with an abatement company having to secure the area and take out more than half of the wall for black mold. Thank God I did not just go in and open up the wall for repairs!!! I home school my children and we are in the home all day so that would have been very dangerous!! But it was not cheap to do, especially when trying to contain the spores and keep the rest of the house safe. The expert from California Microbial was the first to explain that our windows were leaking. I honestly did not believe him. They were new!! How could they be leaking?? Unfortunately that was not all. Our living room window was doing the same bulging and swelling... AND... the $3,000.00 french door the leads to the backyard were leaking on the the family room floor every time it rained too. He said I needed to call whomever installed our windows and have them come out to fix their mistakes. I called Republic Windows and Door and had John the owner come out to take a look. But, not before I took a TON of pictures and video. All of the caulking around every single window and door was completely cracked!! I mention it to John and he actually waved his hand, saying that was normal. Oh? It seems like a real problem to me. Together John and I check the kitchen window and as he pulled out the indoor siding water gushed out on to the floor of my kitchen!! He had me running for towels!! Then he checked my living room window. I told him not to disrupt the siding because I was nervous that it might contained mold as well, but he started pulling at it anyway. I was horrified!! "STOP! please!!!" he backed away. He said he would send his site manager out with some men to come and fix the problem. He then offered me only HALF of the $1,250.00 it cost me to abate the boys bedroom wall of the black mold. I was in shock. We had spent $10,000.00 in windows and door with them, they put my children at risk and now he wanted to split the bill?? Where was the integrity? This made me feel like a paycheck and not a valued customer. I wish I could say this was it, but the story continues and gets worse. The site manager did come out and was so very nice and helpful. He told me that there were two problems here: 1.) Faulty material. The caulking was the issue for leaking and needed to be repaired on all 11 windows and doors. 2.) Faulty Installation. The bedroom window that leaked so badly actually had a portion almost in inch think on the top of the window that was NOT CAULKED at all. So of course it was flooding with water. I should mention that one time during a heavy rain my boys came to wake us up because they could hear water dripping. We actually took video of the window leaking with a steading consistent leak. The site manager immediate re-caulked the entire home and put new siding over the bedroom window and kitchen windows. When I asked about the other side of the house he said that John told him to only do the two windows. So one side of the house now looks different then the other. This is strange to me since the living room window is leaking as well and that is on the other side. Well after countless calls and emails, they did come out and fix the dry wall in the bedroom. This took about a year to get done. A very taxing year I might add too. But there was no effort to refund us the money expended on the abatement, not even the half he offered to pay and no work done to the kitchen or living room windows. I have called and email as well as left messages for another FULL YEAR for both Dan and John only to have my file shuffled from one desk to another's. On June 27th, 2014 John finally came out to address the situation. He came with an expert who could safety redo my living room wall. His name was Steve. I had my father, a man of years in construction, and my sister a licensed architect present for support, advice and as a witnesses. In that meeting, this is what John promised me. He said that in the next couple of days Ruben would come to put siding on the other side of the house. By the following week Steve would come out to begin enclosing the living room area as to safely repair the wall. And as for the money owed?? He agreed to pay the full amount and asked me to invoice his office. We even shook on it. I invoiced him THAT SAME DAY, with a recounting of all that he agreed to do. That was on June 27th, 2014! SINCE THEN I HAVE NOT SEEN A SINGLE PERSON, GOTTEN A SINGLE PHONE CALL OR HEARD FROM ANYONE. I have called and called. No returned call. No communication of any kind. I don't have to tell you that this June will be a year since these promises were made. This entire thing has lated 2.5 years. I unfortunately have NO MORE TIME to waste on this. I did every thing I new to do to handle this well. I worked tirelessly to try to resolve the matter to no avail. I am now pursuing legal assistance. I am left with no other choice. This will end in a lawsuit.
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